Our Equity and Equality Pledge
We know that equity and equality aren't the same. Not everyone starts with the same experience, privilege, or opportunities and it's important that we work to level the playing field by recognizing that even though people may not have the same starting point, we can create opportunities so everyone can shine. We're a young company, but as we grow we pledge to build with these values in mind.
Our hiring practices will give everyone an opportunity to interview by creating a blind application process where the names of the applicants are hidden so that candidates are judged solely on their merits. We will actively seek transferable skills in resume submissions so that potential employees who may be great for the job aren't overlooked because they worked in a different industry or have a multi-faceted skill set. We will pay livable and sustainable wages with cost of living raises and employee profit sharing. We will have 4 day work weeks and flex time whenever possible, as well as support continuing education and enrichment activities for our workers. We will have company wide volunteer initiatives and actively contribute to organizations that create opportunities for underserved communities.
Whenever possible we will prioritize vendors and partners that identify as a person (or people) of the Global majority, LGBTQ+ and/or woman owned businesses. A cornerstone of our ethos is creating an equity driven foundation for our company as we grow to ensure equal opportunities for all future employees and applicants. As we grow and evolve so will this pledge, but these principals will always be the foundation of our policies.